Took her out on her maiden voyage with my recycled sails. Installed new mast ram. Boat sailed great. In the light air, 3-5 knots, match racing my "triple crown", she was slightly faster with a lower point. When breeze built and came up to 8-12ish she was way faster and pointed as high or higher. Wasn't expecting this as the "triple crown" is 7 inches wide vs 9" for the "vektor". Even more surprising was that even with crap sails, the boat was faster. On a reach, forget it. On a run, forget it, upwind virtually the same. Ordered new turning blocks for smoother trimming, and recessed pot to store batteries and receiver. Will order sails and rigging as soon as $ come in. May not even need to though as this test sail was way beyond what I expected. I wish there were a few racing IOM's to match race against other than my other build. If anyone comes to Eastern LI and you own and IOM, let me know. Or if your close, I'll take a daytrip within reason
All-in-all, a great success.... Will try and get pics and a video soon....
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